Quills & Quartos Publishing has one goal: to pair the best Jane Austen variations with the best in editing and cover design to create a superlative reading experience. We are not a vanity press, imprint, or services-for-hire company, but a traditional royalty-paying publishing house, staffed with editors and designers, looking for stories people will want to read.
But we need authors to write those stories. Are you a writer interested in publishing your work? We would love to hear from you.
Email your manuscript, along with a short synopsis of the story, a word count, and a short author bio to manuscripts@quillsandquartospub.com. Please submit it in Word doc/docx form, double-spaced in 12-pt. Times Roman. Stories of 30,000-40,000 words (novella) and 70,000-100,000 words (novel) fit within our ideal parameters. Please do not include formatting such as headers or page numbers, but do include page breaks between new chapters.
Quills & Quartos does not publish erotica. Sexual content is fine as long as the story stands alone without it. Sexual scenarios must be consensual.
If you submit work to us that has been posted online in any way, shape or form, please provide us with the link to that content as well as proof that you are, in fact, the author. Please indicate whether you have a co-author and provide us with the details of your writing relationship. Submissions must be the original writing of the person who submitted the manuscript. If we are to publish your story, all online versions must be taken down when the contract is signed.
Our editorial panel will read submissions, and we'll contact you within a few weeks with our publishing decision. We look forward to hearing from you!